Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wedding & Honeymoon

It's been two and a half months since our wedding, and I have to say that I'm still processing it.  I had prepared myself beforehand for mishaps and near-catastrophes, and I had decided that I wouldn't let them steal my joy that day.  What I wasn't anticipating was that the day would be absolutely perfect.  As I look back on it, I really wouldn't have changed anything.  The day was more than I had even dreamed of, and I felt like the most blessed, loved person in the world.  I am so glad we have pictures and video though, because it is totally true what they say about it being a blur.  I think I blinked twice and the ceremony was over.  But it was perfect.

I'm putting a few of my favorite pictures below, but if you'd like to access our online gallery & printroom, here is the link:  From there you can view all of our pictures and place your order.

Our honeymoon was amazing.  We spent our first night in Tallahassee, then drove down to Watersound the following day (and bumped into the Siebens at a gas station off I-10!).  We rented a house in the resort for 6 nights.  This is the house we stayed in:

We had a blast enjoying the beautiful beach and neighborhood.  Although it was November, the weather was perfect (mid 70's everyday, no rain) and we spent a lot of time riding bikes, playing putt-putt, getting a couples' massage, shopping, relaxing, and eating out.  Without the summer crowd, we basically had everything at our fingertips.  There were no lines at the restaurants, hardly any traffic, and it was so quiet.  It was really wonderful.  Here are a few more pictures from our honeymoon:

On our way out of town, we met up for breakfast with Mom & Dad.  We ate at Another Broken Egg Cafe, which is where we all ate the morning after our engagement back in May.  Mom & Dad drove down a U-Haul full of furniture for us, so we switched cars.  It was so great to have that time with them to just catch up and talk about the wedding, etc.  We also celebrated Mom's 50th birthday a little early since Anthony & I would miss her actual birthday.  Here is a picture from that morning:

All in all, our wedding & honeymoon were just so wonderful.  I couldn't have asked for anything more and I'm so grateful.  

I hope you enjoyed this post!  My next one will recap the holidays and what we've been up to since the wedding.  Love you all!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gettin' on the Blog Train

OK, so I know that blogs have been around for awhile and aren't necessarily "the wave of the future", but I've never had one before other than when I had to do one for a class in college. I love reading other people's blogs, but I've just never wanted to share that much about myself online. My thoughts toward blogging have changed in the past three months though. Even though I've lived in Dallas for six years now (I cannot BELIEVE it's been that long), because I was single I always felt like it was a somewhat temporary thing---that hypothetically at any moment I could pick up and move back closer to my family if I was so inclined. But now that I'm married, I've come to the realization that my life is here now. Anthony and I see ourselves in Dallas for the next few years, so this blog is my way of sharing our life with my family back home. I hope to be fairly diligent in posting updates about what is going on with us, as well as pictures of our life in the Big D. Enjoy!