Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gettin' on the Blog Train

OK, so I know that blogs have been around for awhile and aren't necessarily "the wave of the future", but I've never had one before other than when I had to do one for a class in college. I love reading other people's blogs, but I've just never wanted to share that much about myself online. My thoughts toward blogging have changed in the past three months though. Even though I've lived in Dallas for six years now (I cannot BELIEVE it's been that long), because I was single I always felt like it was a somewhat temporary thing---that hypothetically at any moment I could pick up and move back closer to my family if I was so inclined. But now that I'm married, I've come to the realization that my life is here now. Anthony and I see ourselves in Dallas for the next few years, so this blog is my way of sharing our life with my family back home. I hope to be fairly diligent in posting updates about what is going on with us, as well as pictures of our life in the Big D. Enjoy!

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