Friday, February 12, 2010

Climate Change has come to Dallas!

The snow in Dallas is unbelievable!  It started around 3:00 a.m. or so Thursday morning and DID NOT let up at all for about 24 hours!  We got close to a foot of snow, judging by the buildup on parked cars.  Being a girl from the Deep South, I have never seen anything like this in my life, and I am LOVING it!  The pictures don't even do it justice for how beautiful it is.  Everything is bright white, and for once, Oak Cliff looks clean!  Anthony went out with some guys yesterday afternoon and played football in the snow, then when I got off work we bundled up and went into the field/woods across the street from our apartment complex.  It felt like we were in a different part of the country!  Anthony tried to say that now he doesn't have to take me on vacation anywhere, but I'm not letting him get off that easily. :)  It really was like another world though.  It felt like a dream!  Here are some pictures from yesterday...enjoy!


Munna said...
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Sarah said...

so beautiful! it's snowing in athens right now :) hopefully i can get some good pictures!