Sunday, March 14, 2010

Four Months, The Apartment Reveal, and A Trip to Remember

Today marks 4 months exactly since this:

If I were to draw a bubble of Anthony's thoughts from that picture, it might say, "OH MY GOSH....what did I just DO?"

He looks a little more relaxed in this one:

I feel like that picture is me closing one chapter of my life and beginning another one.  The changes and transitions over the past four months have been challenging at times, but the joy of sharing everyday life with my very best friend is amazing.  Anthony and I have grown so much as a couple, and we are really enjoying this season of life.  

Once we got back to Dallas from our honeymoon, I began the project of decorating our apartment.  I LOVE to decorate, especially when I have tons of gift cards!  I had a lot of fun shopping for everything, and Anthony proved his handyman skills by hanging four pairs of curtains and tons of pictures.  

Here are some pictures of our first apartment together:

Our bedroom:

The guest bedroom:

Come see us anytime! :)

Speaking of coming to see us, my sister Sarah came to see us last week during her spring break from UGA.  She flew in on Friday and stayed until Wednesday.  We had a BLAST.  It was so great to see someone from my was the first time I'd seen my family since the wedding.  We stayed up way too late, laughed way too much, and made some really great memories.  And I was glad that she and Anthony got to really know each other a lot more.  Here are a few pictures from our time together:

I miss you already, Sarah!  Come live in Dallas!!! :)


Scott said...

Jenn, Anthony -

You have done a beautiful job with your apartment. I want both of you to know how proud I am of you, and the joy you bring to my heart!!

Love you,

Munna said...

Dear Jenn & Anthony,

Papa and I enjoyed you apartment pics and we see what fun you must have had putting everything together. It is certainly a beautiful and cozy "first home". You two are a picture of happiness. Know you did enjoy Sarah. We, back here in Ala. & Ga. are ready for you two to pay us a visit soon.

We love you both,
Munna & Papa

Sarah said...

:( i miss you guys so much! and your beautiful apartment. i think i'm going to plan a summer trip.
i love you both very much.